Palmyra Sportsmen's Association

Palmyra Sportsmens Association (PSA) is a non-profit sportsmen's club located in central Pennsylvania within easy driving distance to Hershey, PA.  Members enjoy the use of the club property for various outdoor activities, and enjoy the shooting sports on our indoor and outdoor ranges.  We heavily invest in junior programs with volunteers coaching the next generation of athletes in the shooting sports.  

There are ranges that cater to rifle, pistol, archery, and clay bird shooting, along with ranges available for Law Enforcement Training.  Many of our ranges can be rented/reserved by club members and the public to host events. In addition to shooting sports, PSA stocks the Quittapahilla Creek with trout through out the fishing season so our members and the public can enjoy fishing the Quittie.

Range Calendars

Check the range calendars for scheduled events before making a trip to the club.

Outdoor shooting hours are:

8am to the earlier sunset or 8:00pm. Current shooting hours are 8am-5:30pm

Seeking Volunteers!!!

Check what volunteer opportunities are available.

If we all work a little - no one has to work a lot!!

Office Hours

Clubhouse Office hours:

Office Hours are Monday-Thursday 10am-4pm.

Other times available By Appointment.

Club Tours available by Appointment

Lost anD Found

Items not claimed within 1 year will be disposed of.

Click to see pictures of the found items

Support our Junior Programs

Support our Junior Programs

Secure the future of shooting sports. See our PSA MidwayUSA State Initiative!


PSA Scholarships

ATTENTION High school Seniors!!!

Palmyra Sportsmen's scholarships are available

Applications due in April

Make a donation to the scholarship fund

Missing Members

 The following is a list of Life Members with whom we have lost contact. If you know any of them please let the office know or reach out to them to update their contact info.

Frank Elder          Brian Weaver

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